Max Erdstein teaches at the Insight Meditation Center and the Insight Retreat Center. He is trained as a Dharma teacher by Gil Fronsdal and received Dharma Entrustment as a Zen teacher in the lineage of Suzuki Roshi from Sojun Mel Weitsman and Gil Fronsdal.
Max has practiced Buddhist meditation for more than 25 years, training in America, Japan, Thailand, and Burma. He completed the Spirit Rock/IMS Dharma teacher training program and trained in Buddhist chaplaincy with the Sati Center. With Gil he taught the first weeklong retreat at IRC in November 2012. Max holds an AB degree from Stanford and worked at Google for five years.
Max Erdstein teaches at the Insight Meditation Center and the Insight Retreat Center. He is trained as a Dharma teacher by Gil Fronsdal and received Dharma Entrustment as a Zen teacher in the...Read more
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