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Freely offered by Insight Meditation Center
Freely offered by IMC

Exploring Samādhi and Jhāna in Buddhist Meditation

There is a wide range of views among teachers about the place of samadhi (concentration) in insight meditation. Some stress the importance of concentration while others teach that insight arises through mindfulness alone and do not give concentration any particular emphasis.Unraveling the mix of ideas about what proper concentration is and its place in dharma practice can be difficult. Students may become confused about the degree or type of samadhi they should cultivate or how to incorporate it into their meditation practice.

In these two Saturday mornings of teaching and discussion we explored the various ways samadhi (concentration) and jhana are presented in the foundational Pali texts and the range of ways they are practiced and taught today. We will explore how concentration is understood in relation to insight, and how they can be brought together in a mutually supportive way.


Title Speaker Date Length Length/
Exploring Samadhi and Jhana in Buddhist Meditation (1 of 2) Richard Shankman 2023.09.23 2:36:50 2:36:50
Exploring Samādhi and Jhāna in Buddhist Meditation (2 of 2) Richard Shankman 2023.09.30 2:49:31 2:49:31

Appears in Series:

Title Speaker Date Length Length/
Sati Center <multiple> 2004.04.24 481:13:08 481:13:08

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