Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Paramis: Renunciation Part 1 with Chris Guided & Jenn on Recovery | Jennifer Lemas | 2019.11.08 | 1:20:47 | 1:20:47 2019.11.08 |
Paramis: Renunciation Part 2 David on Eight Winds | David Cohn | 2019.11.08 | 32:03 | 32:03 2019.11.08 |
A Turning Point | Liz Powell | 2023.07.11 | 24:57 | 24:57 2023.07.11 |
Appears in Series:
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
The Paramis: Ten Supreme Supports For Meditation 2019-2020 | <multiple> | 2019.09.13 | 16:35:52 | 16:35:52 2019.09.13 |
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