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Freely offered by Insight Meditation Center
Freely offered by IMC

Annie Nugent

Annie Nugent

Annie has practiced in the Theravada and Tibetan traditions since 1979 under the guidance of a range of teachers including Sayadaw U Pandita, Tulku Akong Rinpoche and various western teachers. She was the resident teacher at the Insight Meditation Society from 1999-2003 and has since been teaching elsewhere in America, including the annual IMS 3 month retreat and The Forest Refuge. Her teaching style aims to reveal how our all aspects of our lives are opportunities to develop a clear and direct understanding of the Truth.

Annie has practiced in the Theravada and Tibetan traditions since 1979 under the guidance of a range of teachers including Sayadaw U Pandita, Tulku Akong Rinpoche and various western teachers. She...Read more

Title Speaker Date Length Length/
Eightfold Path Annie Nugent 2014.08.16 1:02:26 1:02:26
Four Noble Truths Annie Nugent 2014.08.14 57:01 57:01
The Wanting Mind Annie Nugent 2011.08.28 40:37 40:37

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