Dharmette: Satipatthana Refrain (4/5) Use of Lexical Note For Awareness's Sake

This Dharmette explores the [Satipatthana Refrain]:
“In this way one abides observing internally the body in terms of the body, or one abides observing externally the body in terms of the body, or one abides observing both internally and externally the body in terms of the body.
“Or one abides in the body observing experiences arising; one abides in the body observing experiences going away; or one abides in the body observing experiences arising and going away.
“Or else awareness that ‘there is a body’ is established to the extent necessary only for knowledge and lucid awareness. And one abides independent, not clinging to anything in the world. This is how a monastic abides observing the body in terms of the body."
Recorded: Thursday, March 03, 2022 at Insight Meditation Center
Duration: 17:01
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