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Freely offered by IMC

Overview of the sixteen steps (Month 9, part 2)

Gil Fronsdal
By: Gil Fronsdal

1. relax. 2. relax. 3. relax, 4. relax!

The four tetrads (sets of four) are to (1) relax the body, (2) after a sense of well-being arises, to relax mental activities and the mind, (3) with deep satisfaction, to relax and let go of preoccupations, and (4) relax further, lighten up, loosen deeper attachments, and see how things are constantly changing.

Recorded: Friday, May 13, 2016 at Insight Meditation Center
Duration: 40:11

Appears in Series:

Title Speaker Date Length Length/
DPD: Mindfulness of Breathing (Anapanasati), Month 9 Gil Fronsdal 2016.05.13 3:18:51 3:18:51

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